RTI activist Anjali Bharadwaj had cited an interview of retired SC judge and Collegium member, Justice Madan B. Lokur, in which he said that the decision to elevate two HC chief justices, taken during a meeting on December 12, 2018, was 'changed' after he had retired.
Bench of Justices MR Shah and CT Ravi Kumar admitted the appeal moved by RTI activist Anjali Bhardwaj against Delhi High Court’s dismissal of her petition
India is a country with over 130 crore population. The number is so huge that one out of every six persons in the world is an Indian. To maintain society,
In the fourth such instance in five years, the Supreme Court took exception to how a recent Himachal Pradesh HC court judgment was worded, even contemplating whether or not to send the judgment back to be re-written.