Self-styled Godman Narayan Sai on Friday urged the Gujarat High Court to grant him temporary bail to visit his ailing father, Asaram Bapu, who he said was in a critical health condition and may not survive for long.
The Supreme Court on Tuesday (January 23) stayed the contempt proceedings against four police officers who were sentenced to 14 days of imprisonment by the Gujarat High Court in October last year for.
‘Tyre-killers’ were installed in Ahmedabad on Justice Supehia’s directions to prevent wrong-side driving. Justice Gita Gopi had tried the Ishrat Jahan encounter case as special designated CBI judge.
Gujarat High Court describes public flogging by police as “inhumane” and an “act against humanity”; four men had moved the court with a contempt petition against 13 police personnel, accusing them of flogging and illegal detention
Gujarat High Court on Thursday sentenced four police officials to undergo a 14-day jail term and imposed a fine of Rs 2,000 each for their involvement in flogging of several Muslim men in Kheda over a year ago.However, acting on a plea from the .