The CBI has booked Allahabad High Court judge Justice SN Shukla in a corruption case for allegedly favouring a medical college and carried out searches at his Lucknow residence, officials said on Friday.
CIC Fails to Reveal How Centre, Presidentâs Secretariat Proceeded With Ex-HC Judge s Impeachment
Two CJIâs had reminded PM of the importance of the medical college scam case after Justice Shukla was indicted in January 2018, but no action was taken, and he retired in July 2020.
Central Information Commission headquarters. Credit:
How and why Justice Shri Narayan Shukla of the Allahabad high court â against whom former Chief Justice of India (CJI) Dipak Mishra had recommended impeachment proceedings in January 2018 â was allowed to complete his term and retire on July 17, 2020, may always remain a mystery.
Later in 2019, CJI Ranjan Gogoi had for the first time given permission to the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to lodge an FIR under the Prevention of Corruption Act for his alleged involvement in a medical college scam.