The Allahabad High Court has held that if Form-10 under rule 17(2) for claiming exemption has been supplied to the assessing authority after the prescribed period but before completion of assessment,.
NOMINAL INDEX Mahadev Singh Dal Bahadur Singh v. State Of U.P. Thru. Prin. Secy. ( Revenue), Lko. And Others 2023 LiveLaw (AB) 454 Smt. Mobin And Another v. Dy. Director Of Consolidation And 6.
NOMINAL INDEXDamodar Valley Corporation v BLA Projects Pvt Ltd 2023 LiveLaw (Cal) 325In the matter of: Sanjay Kashyap & Anr 2023 LiveLaw (Cal) 326Babu Mondal & Ors. vs The State of West Bengal 2023.
The Allahabad High Court has held that any order passed as a consequence of the show cause notice cannot go beyond what is alleged in the show cause notice. Actions to be taken against a person must.
The Allahabad High Court has held that though in case of doubt, taxing statues are to be interpreted in favour of the assesee. However, a stricter approach needs to be followed before giving the.