The central agency had called Kalyani Singh, the daughter of acting Chief Justice Sabina Singh, for questioning where she was "evasive in responses", CBI sources said, following which she was arrested.
NEW DELHI, Jun 15: The CBI on Wednesday arrested Kalyani Singh, daughter of Acting Chief Justice of Himachal Pradesh High Court, in connection with the killing of national-level shooter Sukhmanpreet Singh alias Sippy Sidhu over six years ago in Chandigarh, officials said. The CBI had called Kalyani Singh to its office for questioning after it recovered “documentary material” indicating her affair with Sidhu had turned sour, they said. During the questioning, Kalyani Singh, daughter of Acting Chief Justice Sabina Singh, […]
The CBI investigation in the Sippy Sidhu murder case has been going on since 2016. Take a look at how the investigation proceeded over the years with the recent arrest of Kalyani Singh on Wednesday.