The Delhi High Court has given a final chance to the Federation of Hotels and Restaurant Associations of India and the National Restaurant Association of India to file their affidavits, as per the order issued on April 12 regarding levy of service charge by their members.
The Delhi High Court has given a final chance to the Federation of Hotels and Restaurant Associations of India and the National Restaurant Association of India to file their affidavits, as per the order issued on April 12 regarding levy of service charge by their members.
On April 12, the high court had said that its interim order staying the guidelines of CCPA, that prohibit the hotels and restaurants from levying service charges
The Delhi High Court has given a final chance to the Federation of Hotels and Restaurant Associations of India and the National Restaurant Association of India to file their affidavits, as per the order issued on April 12 regarding levy of .
A seven-year-old girl died after a glass-coated kite string got tangled around her neck, leaving a deep cut, in outer Delhi's Paschim Vihar area, police said on Thursday.According to the police, on Wednesday around 7: 27 p.m a police control .