During the proceedings, the court stressed the vast scope of the issue, affirming that India is best positioned to devise the necessary regulations in response to the PIL.
The Delhi High Court has held that investment in shares by a company in its Indian subsidiary is a “capital account transaction” which does not give rise to any income. Therefore, the same cannot be.
Supreme Court Will The Mandate Of The Tribunal Terminate Under Section 29A Unless Extended During Its Subsistence? Supreme Court To Examine The Supreme Court is set to examine an important.
The Delhi High Court on Monday granted the Centre two weeks to respond to a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) regarding the absence of regulations for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and deepfake technologies in the country.Filed by advocate .
LiveLaw reported 1357 judgments from Delhi High Court in 2023. Here are some of the important decisions:1. Trial Courts Cannot Direct Foreign Nationals Be Sent To Detention Centre While Granting Them.