Justice Leighton Pusey on Wednesday told 22-year-old confessed murderer Corey Walters that his argument claiming he was influenced by friends to commit the crime would not be bought, and subsequen.
Shaovi Robinson, the Central Kingston man who was on Wednesday sentenced to life at hard labour for shooting a father who had moments earlier dropped off his son at school on Beeston Street in Kin.
AJAY Frazer, the 22 year-old Clarendon mechanic who was charged with the 2022 murder and robbery of supermarket owner Jin Xian Ye in Porus, Manchester, avoided going to trial by pleading guilty to.
Dancehall artiste Damian 'Munga Honorable' Rhoden will have to wait until February 17, 2025 to have his day in court on a murder charge after his trial was postponed.
This after a declaration in the H.
Following a less than 40-minute sentencing hearing Thursday afternoon in which mechanic Robert Fowler was sent to prison for life for the murder of 20-year-old Khanice Jackson, her father and .