THE investigator who probed the 2019 murder of national senior women's footballer Tarania "Plum Plum" Clarke on Wednesday told a Supreme Court judge and jury that 23-year-old Rushelle Foster who.
Supreme Court Judge Justice Leighton Pusey, in saddling taxi driver Andre Thomas with two life sentences for the 2016 murders of American missionaries Harold Nichols and Randy Hentzel on Friday, said .
ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Peter Asher, who was in 2020 hit with several fraud-related charges by Counter-Terrorism and Organised Crime Investigation Branch (C-TOC) detectives over the 2004 sale of eight gas.
PROSECUTORS handling the case against 12 alleged members of the Ranko gang on Thursday sought an adjournment in the Home Circuit Division of the Supreme Court to determine whether all the accused .
DWIGHT Henry, 33, the man who is serving life for the 2016 murders of American missionaries Randy Hentzel and Harold Nichols on Wednesday, shot down suggestions that he had questioned Hentzel, 'se.