in that video the gym looks open. the mats, are they visible to the people in the gym? we see kendrick running on the lower right hand side of the screen and other folks playing basketball. are you mats in another room or out in the open? do we know? no, they are in the gym. we ve seen still photographs and a map of the gym. they are in if you look at the screen, they would be in the top right corner jus outside of the screen. that s the corner in which kendrick johnson was found. there is no specific time stamp on this so we don t know how long it was between this game of basketball with the people who were there, the other students and when he went in to those mats. but we re hoping to get all the different angels and put that together in the next few days. all right and there are hundreds of pages of unrefacted reports. were investigators focussing on anybody specific? they were focussing on a few students at the high school. we know they pulled their attendance records an
details from victor blackwell. breaking news in the death of a 17-year-old african american man in georgia. for months kendrick johnson s parents insist it s not a tragic accident like local officials concluded but murder. today a judge ordered the release of new potential evidence including surveillance footage from the high school gym where kendrick s body was found taken just before he died or was killed. a few minutes ago, the breaking news. we learned the federal justice department will announce whether kendrick johnson s death warrants a full flown civil investigation. details from victor blackwell who joins us. reporter: anderson, at 1: 00 p.m. tomorrow, they will announce whether his death will get the federal investigation. michael moore, who i ve had contact with over the four months he had this information led a meticulous search and the family desperately wants this investigation. months of protests, sit-ins and marches have shaken the small south georgia city of valdosta
happened? no, attorney king and the family and i were digging to get the answers but it just is a big for the of the mystery and just keeps getting deeper and deeper when you think somebody cut back his fingernails, somebody misplaced his clothes with dna and blood evidence on it and somebody lost his vital organs that would have given us very objective evidence is part of this murder mystery as to what happened to kendrick johnson. thank you. thank you. you can follow me on twitter. let me know what you think about the case. coming up next, president obama goes on the road to promote health care reform and the glitches that don t begin to describe it on the website. an up close look at today s accountability moment for the woman in charge of implementing the law, it went on for hours. the story of a little boy
you can get away with it. reporter: in june, the johnson s exhumed kendrick s body and hired dr. bill anderson to conduct an independent autopsy and he found evidence of bleeding under the skin near johnson s right jaw. we were able to diagnose the fact there was indeed blunt force trama to that area. reporter: so he took blows to the neck? he took at least one blow to the neck. reporter: to be clear you ve used the word several times but in your view this is a homicide? yes. reporter: also, dr. anderson, says kendrick s organs were missing. instead, he was stuffed with newspaper. the georgia secretary of state s office has launched an investigation into that. questions about the sheriff s office investigation have made the johnsons more suspicious, including why these shoes found yards from kendrick s body were not collected as evidence and how did someone s blood end up on this wall in the gym? cnn laid out the facts for
entitled wait ashton kutcher might be a smart investor. he s praised for being the first in startups like skype and more. here is how we take away from this, one thing is for sure, ashton puts his money where his mouth is and he has a heck of a lot more than an actor. ac 60 starts now. erin thanks. breaking news in the death of a 17-year-old african american man in georgia. for months kendrick johnson s parents insist it s not a tragic accident like local officials concluded but murder. today a judge ordered the release of new potential evidence including surveillance footage from the high school gym where kendrick s body was found taken just before he died or was killed. a few minutes ago, the breaking news. we learned the federal justice department will announce whether