you can get away with it. >> reporter: in june, the johnson's exhumed kendrick's body and hired dr. bill anderson to conduct an independent autopsy and he found evidence of bleeding under the skin near johnson's right jaw. >> we were able to diagnose the fact there was indeed blunt force trama to that area. >> reporter: so he took blows to the neck? >> he took at least one blow to the neck. >> reporter: to be clear you've used the word several times but in your view this is a homicide? >> yes. >> reporter: also, dr. anderson, says kendrick's organs were missing. instead, he was stuffed with newspaper. the georgia secretary of state's office has launched an investigation into that. questions about the sheriff's office investigation have made the johnsons more suspicious, including why these shoes found yards from kendrick's body were not collected as evidence and how did someone's blood end up on this wall in the gym? cnn laid out the facts for