Maharashtra Cabinet Minister and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Nawab Malik on Tuesday questioned the drug case related to the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput and said that it's been 14 months but the case is not concluded yet and that thousands of crores have been extorted in this time span.
In a soul spraining revelation in Muzaffarpur shelter home sexual abuse case, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has told the Supreme Court that key accused Brajesh Thakur and his accomplices allegedly killed 11 girls, whose bones were recovered from a burial ground in the state-run accommodation.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. Maharashtra Cabinet Minister and Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Nawab Malik on Tuesday questioned the drug case related to the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput and said that it s been 14 months but the case is not concluded yet and that thousands of crores have been extorted in this time span. India News | Sushant Singh Rajput s Death Case: Thousands of Crores Extorted in 14 Months Time Span, Alleges Nawab Malik.
Goa Iron Ore Mining Ban Continues After SC Rejects Review Petitions, Upbraids Miners
As of today, no entity holds a valid lease to mine iron ore in Goa.
Iron ore mining in Goa. Photo: PTI
Bengaluru: In an order passed on July 9, the Supreme Court of India rejected pleas by Vedanta Ltd. and the state of Goa to review a judgment that cancelled the companyâs mining leases in the state. Notably, the court also criticised both parties for their legal strategy â waiting for judges to retire before filing their review petitions.
Review petitions are usually heard by the same bench that passed the original order except when the judges have retired.