SPRINGFIELD – All seven Supreme Court Justices reversed a ruling that insurers of landlords must defend tenants against liability claims of third parties.
A state appellate court says a Tazewell County man s constitutional rights were violated when he agreed to a de facto life sentence as a teenager a quarter century ago.
Phillip Johnson was 16 when he and his adult sister, Angela Oakes, were charged with shooting and killing their father, James Johnson, and his girlfriend, Frances Buck, in 1994.
Phillip Johnson entered into a plea deal with prosecutors, agreeing to a 110-year sentence in the murders to avoid a life sentence without possibility of parole.
Johnson was incarcerated in 1996. He s currently at the Western Illinois Correctional Center in Mt. Sterling, Ill.
Johnson s first post-conviction petition was rejected by the trial court in 1999. He filed an expedited motion for leave to file a second post-conviction petition in 2017.