within my education endeavors. i want to encourage all students to take advantage of their after-school programs, take advantage of the programs that s available in their community because every 26 seconds one student drops out of school. because of that statistic, the boys and girls club service, 4500 boys and girls club serving millions of kids daily. and i know that it s 4.5 million kids today that s not going to drop out of school and some 4.5 million kids in this world that has goals of post secondary education and so i just want to encourage them to press forward and be involved in whatever they can do. because my life great future started at the boys and girls club. what denzel is touching on something we haven t spoken about. while there s certainly a lot of issues at school, having a safe place to go once the school day is complete is so very important that can really mean the difference in a lot of kids lives. example 1a here.
gives them a role as a facilitator. i find that more genuine and important in the learning world. i think it roles for teachers and students. those are useful intervention for me. i twant to tell you guys things. it s good to know, sometimes you got to sit back and listen and maybe part of how you all communicate with us as teachers is through the technology. when we come back, a living legend joins us here on stage. a man who made history sk just g to school. how you doing. my name is tyrone. has had an adverse effect on students. due to the longer school day is that some of us have jobs. we re already pressed for time. make time to do our homework, projects that we have and we also have other siblings we have to watch. now we have a longer school day with less time to do homework and less time to work. when some of our family does need our job because times are hard now. [ woman ] ring. ring. progresso.
somehow would make the school 17% more likely to perform at a higher level. it doesn t. charters by themselves are not any kind of a cure-all. magic pill. but the highly performing charters, like the kip schools for instance, about 110 of them, it s the highly performing charters are schools that all schools can learn from. so what i d like to see more of is sharing of best practices between those charter schools that are working and some of them don t work. many don t work. the ones that work, they have like 90, 95% graduation rates in very impoverished neighborhoods. these are terrific schools. so the idea of lumping those schools in with the one that is don t work and saying, let s cap the number of charter schools in our state, which has been the nea s position. that s fol i. why cap experimentation when you can get an outstanding school by
about. is my kid going to be safe and they re making sophisticated decisions because of vocabulary about choices improve dramatically. sure. i m agreement that parents with few resources can nonetheless be extraordinary parents in terms of decision-making, the sophistication of it. i wonder, what if your parent is incarcerated, has low literacy skills himself or herself. i m wondering about how choice operates there. my mom was a highly educated person but she sent us to school. we walked across the street to the school. the school served everyone. one of the questions that comes up too is why is that that charters serve much less likely to serve english language learners. we had one principal tell us they re not set up as a bilingual school. of course we know in texas, arizona, california, latino populations are growing rapidly.
and can have one-on-one time with teachers. a student who doesn t understand, say, dividing fractions, they ve listened to the lecture on the computer but they still don t get it, they can come to the workshop and ask our math teacher, please explain this another way. you have on your computer learning and then you have classroom learning, two different styles. but they fit together really well. with just four academic teachers, organizers say it s cost effective too. still, there are critics. the integration of technology into the classrooms is very scattered. there simply is not enough research. teachers are quick to point out this time of blended learning is not for everyone. test results are encouraging. 90% of students at carpe diem are proficient in core subjects compared to 70% statewide. i enjoy the new style of learning. isaac and two of his siblings attended the school where textbooks and live lectures aren t all that s missing.