Vaccinations are by appointment only.
Appointments can be made starting Thursday, February 25, at 12 p.m. on
CBJ says the public is encouraged to sign up online; and that those without internet can call 586-6000 to make an appointment starting February 25 at 12 p.m.
Groups currently eligible for the COVID-19 vaccine at this clinic is determined by the State of Alaska.
Eligible groups are; People aged 65 years or above, People 50 years and above with a high-risk medical condition, People 50 years and above working as a frontline essential worker, Pre K-12 and child care education staff, People living or working in congregate settings, and Workers in health care settings.
Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - New vaccine eligibility guidelines were released by the State and allows new groups to sign up for the February 11th-12th vaccine clinic, but almost half an hour later CBJ announced all appointments were filled.
The next tier, Phase 1b Tier 2, includes People aged 50 years or above with a high-risk medical condition, People 50 years or above working as a frontline essential worker, Pre K-12 and child care education staff, and People living or working in other congregate settings.
These groups are currently eligible to sign up for the February vaccine clinic organized by Juneau Public Health Center, Bartlett Regional Hospital, Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, and City and Borough of Juneau.
Centennial Hall will be the location of the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine clinic. Juneau, Alaska (KINY) - The Juneau Public Health Center, Bartlett Regional Hospital, Central Council of the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska, and City and Borough of Juneau are looking for volunteers for the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine clinic on February 11th and February 12th.
Volunteers will be prioritized according to certain factors.
Those already vaccinated, Those who are eligible to be vaccinated in the current phase within the State of Alaska Eligibility system, or people with a special skill set needed for the clinic.
There will be expectations of the volunteers
All appointments full within hours on Alaska’s first day of vaccine scheduling for seniors Published January 6
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We re making this important information available without a subscription as a public service. But we depend on reader support to do this work. Please consider supporting independent journalism in Alaska, at just $1.99 for the first month of your subscription. The reports of Alaskans over 65 failing to book a coveted appointment for a COVID-19 vaccine surfaced almost as soon as the state opened scheduling at noon Wednesday. Appointment times essentially filled in less than half an hour, marking the latest snag in the state’s vaccine distribution following confusion over the weekend as to the timing of senior eligibility. The state announced Monday that it would allow seniors to get vaccinated as soon as next week instead of late January, as initially planned.