feed the senses. - that s right, cso we ve got a list of things you can do to get active. - like jumping jacks. - or how bout push-ups? - sit-ups? - uh, maybe jumping rope? - yeah. or jogging. - uh, how about like a wheelbarrow race? - oh, yeah, that s a great idea. - but imagine actually trying to use him as a wheelbarrow, like stacking bricks on him and doing, like, doo-doo-doo. you know what i mean? - or yoga. - which is actually peaceful and quiet and not a lot of talking, so. - exactly. is he still looking at me? i know who works differently than many other allergy medications. hoo? omnaris. [ men ] omnaris to the nose! [ man ] did you know nasal symptoms like congestion can be caused by allergic inflammation? omnaris relieves your symptoms by fighting inflammation. side effects may include headache, nosebleed, and sore throat. [ inhales deeply ] i told my allergy symptoms to take a hike. omnaris. ask your doctor. battling nasal allergy symptoms? omnaris combats the cause. ge
against her, and accuses her of not paying her staff and living off her campaign contributions. when rachel joins you at the top of the hour, a flashback. she talked about being master of your domain. unrelated among rachel s special guests tonight is me. at worst, you all heard the story, now hear who s at fault. the answer is everybody. - or how bout push-ups? - sit-ups? - uh, maybe jumping rope? - yeah. or jogging. - uh, how about like a wheelbarrow race? - oh, yeah, that s a great idea. - but imagine actually trying to use him as a wheelbarrow, like stacking bricks on him and doing, like, doo-doo-doo. you know what i mean? - or yoga. - which is actually peaceful and quiet and not a lot of talking, so. - exactly. is he still looking at me? [ male announcer ] you re at the age where you don t get thrown by curve balls.
he s been waiting two years to see? to get active. - like jumping jacks. - or how bout push-ups? to get active. - sit-ups? - uh, maybe jumping rope? - yeah. or jogging. - uh, how about like a wheelbarrow race? - oh, yeah, that s a great idea. - but imagine actually trying to use him as a wheelbarrow, like stacking bricks on him and doing, like, doo-doo-doo. you know what i mean? - or yoga. - which is actually peaceful and quiet and not a lot of talking, so. - exactly. is he still looking at me?
savor and explore, a the great indoors . friskies indoor delights. feed the senses. - that s right, cso we ve got a list of things you can do to get active. - like jumping jacks. - or how bout push-ups? - sit-ups? - uh, maybe jumping rope? - yeah. or jogging. - uh, how about like a wheelbarrow race? - oh, yeah, that s a great idea. - but imagine actually trying to use him as a wheelbarrow, like stacking bricks on him and doing, like, doo-doo-doo. what i mean? - or yoga. - which is actually peaceful and quiet and not a lot of talking, so. - exactly. is he still looking at me? [ monkey cheeps ]
tdd# 1-800-345-2550 the biggest thing in checking since checks. tdd# 1-800-345-2550 open an account at 1-800-4schwab or schwab.com. - that s right, cso we ve got a list of things you can do to get active. - like jumping jacks. - or how bout push-ups? - sit-ups? - uh, maybe jumping rope? - yeah. or jogging. - uh, how about like a wheelbarrow race? - oh, yeah, that s a great idea. - but imagine actually trying to use him as a wheelbarrow, like stacking bricks on him and doing, like, doo-doo-doo. you know what i mean? - or yoga. - which is actually peaceful and quiet and not a lot of talking, so. - exactly.