It is full of intrigue and turmoil and lots of fingerpointing. Who wrote this mustread . None other than former treasury secretary tim geithner. Really, he did. In his new book appropriately titled stress test, geithner recounts the financial crisis and the white houses response to it. Geithner also writes about the anxiety caused over one Major Administration decision. Whether or not president obama should appoint Elizabeth Warren to head the Consumer Protection finance bureau. Though the bureau was her brainchild, everyone in the room knew she had no chance of being confirmed. So president obama ultimately chose to do this in 2010 secretary geithner and i both agree that elizabeth is the best person to stand this agency up. She was the architect behind the idea for a consumer watchdog. So it only makes sense that she should be the architect working with secretary of the treasury geithner in standing up the agency. Did you hear what the president said . Instead of nominating the agenc