Secret info. Determination. Its hard to answer in the abstract yes in all cases, no in all cases but would it be an important suitability scrub. There would be instances where someone could be extremely careless but still maintain confidence . We have a lot of people who are competent in this country who would love to work for your agency but yet it would be potentially you would allow somebody to be extremely careless and continue on . Thats the trouble with answering the hypothetical. I can imagine if it was a long time ago and a small amount of conduct or something, thats why its hard to say other than it would be an important part. Lets just put it that way this way. Would being careless expose an employee of the fbi to a potential determination . Yes. Watching us officials use mobile devices while traveling to Foreign Countries especially if theyre discussing classified or Sensitive Information . Because the mobile device will transmit its signal across networks that are likely co