Oh, hi, honey. Ive just been talking to one of the boys at the office about mr. Purdy. He said that he went to a business luncheon for him about two years ago and dear, i know how important this is to you, but you mustnt get yourself so upset about it. Im not. Im not. Honey, when mr. Purdy gets here tomorrow, try and make up some conversation about the construction business. Tell him how much you like the smell of lumber. And how thrilled i am that hell be opening a factory here . Oh, dear. You know, honey, im afraid we shouldve made this a formal reception instead of an open house. But we didnt have time to send out invitations and get back answers. I know. I know. Wheres dennis . I sent him to the store to get some things for the party. Honey, do you think you shouldve trusted him with a thing like that . Hi, mister. Hello. Hey, you got a bee on your umbrella. Good for me. We got one like that, only we use it when we go to the beach. Good for you. Mister, if a swell little kid came b
With weaknesses and failings like everybody else. If my collection is outstanding, its only because i work harder and am more dedicated than most people. [dingdong dingdong] coming but then, i guess thats what makes a champion, huh, martha . [dingdong dingdong] coming coming hi, mr. Wilson. Oh, hello, dennis. Ive been ringing your bell. We heard you. What do you want . Just seeing if your doorbell would work. For heavens sakes. Martha ask him to come in, george. Hi, mrs. Wilson. Hello, dear. Your mothers been looking for you. She wants you to go to the park with her. The Ladies Committee of the childrens Playground Fund are having their meeting there. Jeepers, at lunchtime . Im hungry. She didnt forget about you. Shes taking a picnic lunch. Oh, swell. You wanna come, mr. Wilson . No, i dont. The parks lots of fun. They got a drinking fountain if you put your finger on it. I am not interested. Goodbye, dennis. Bye, mr. Wilson. See you when i get back from the park. Thats what im afraid