Smarter KPIs lead to better outcomes. Companies that revise their KPIs with artificial intelligence see greater financial benefit than those that do not, new research shows.
BOK: Hun kranglet med KrF – og tapte. Hun kranglet med den kristelige avisen Vårt Land – og tapte. I alle fall delvis. Nå har hun skrevet bok om makt og strid i Kristen-Norge.
didn t know about thigh enhanced interrogation techniques until 2005. you were there. is that true? no. it says how he was briefed, he was presented 12 techniques. he authorized the use of ten of them, including waterboarding. it s in a footnote and illustrative of the problem with the report the allegation. yes. they didn t talk to the people. they spoke to no one. they simply read documents. it s like the queen of hearts, you know, for judgment first, verdict second. they came to a predetermined conclusion before they ever began. what about the congressional briefing? senator whitehouse was a member of the committee in 2007. between 2002 and 2008 the senate committee were members of the senate were briefed 35 times and members of the house 30 times. he s right at the beginning it wasn t all the members of the committee. it was the leadership of the committee, the so-called gang of eight. they were briefed. these people are on the record as having at the time encourage
didn t know about thigh enhanced interrogation techniques until 2005. you were there. is that true? no. it says how he was briefed, he was presented 12 techniques. he authorized the use of ten of them, including waterboarding. it s in a footnote and illustrative of the problem with the report the allegation. yes. they didn t talk to the people. they spoke to no one. they simply read documents. it s like the queen of hearts, you know, for judgment first, verdict second. they came to a predetermined conclusion before they ever began. what about the congressional briefing? senator whitehouse was a member of the committee in 2007. between 2002 and 2008 the senate committee were members of the senate were briefed 35 times and members of the house 30 times. he s right at the beginning it wasn t all the members of the committee. it was the leadership of the committee, the so-called gang of eight. they were briefed. these people are on the record as having the time encouraged
didn t know about thigh enhanced interrogation techniques until 2005. you were there. is that true? no. it says how he was briefed, he was presented 12 techniques. he authorized the use of ten of them, including waterboarding. it s in a footnote and illustrative of the problem with the report the allegation. yes. they didn t talk to the people. they spoke to no one. they simply read documents. it s like the queen of hearts, you know, for judgment first, verdict second. they came to a predetermined conclusion before they ever began. what about the congressional briefing? senator whitehouse was a member of the committee in 2007. between 2002 and 2008 the senate committee were members of the senate were briefed 35 times and members of the house 30 times. he s right at the beginning it wasn t all the members of the committee. it was the leadership of the committee, the so-called gang of eight. they were briefed. these people are on the record as having at the time encourage