The Biden administration warned the Supreme Court on Monday of an avalanche of state laws seeking to challenge federal constitutional rights, should the justices leave in place Texas' new law banning most abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected.
WASHINGTON (CNS) During oral arguments just shy of three hours Nov. 1, the Supreme Court closely examined and seemed to have concerns about how the new abortion law in Texas was framed and is enforced.
their borders and block the judicial review necessary to vindicate federal rights. chief justice john roberts who voted in september to block the law from going into effect seemed exasperated by the solicitor general for the state of texas, judd stone. assume that the bounty is not $10,000 but $1 million. do you think in that case the chill on the conduct at issue here would be sufficient to allow federal court review prior to the end of the state court process? no, your honor. i might add this is specifically a damages action. it is capped at much less than that. that is a significant difference. my question is what we call a hypothetical. leading off our discussion tonight is neal katyal, former acting solicitor general and msnbc contributor. neal, i want to begin with that last point that the chief made about his hypothetical and what