An FIR has been filed against BJP national president JP Nadda, party s IT cell head Amit Malviya, and Karnataka unit chief BY Vijayendra for allegedly intimidating members of the SC and ST community not to vote for a particular candidate. The complaint, filed by the Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee, alleges that a video posted on social media portrays the SC, ST, and OBC communities in a derogatory manner, suggesting that funds reserved for them will be usurped by Muslims.
The vehicle of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) national president JP Nadda s wife, that was stolen last month, was recovered from Varanasi. | Latest News India
Congress leader Jairam Ramesh claimed that halls of the new parliament building are not cozy or compact and one needed binoculars to see each other. | Latest News India
Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expected to address a meeting of BJP workers to mark the culmination of these five mass-contact programmes on September 25 in state capital Bhopal, party leaders said. September 25 is the birth anniversary of the late Deendayal Upadhyaya, a top leader of the Bharatiya Jana Sangh that later became the BJP.