In a letter to former West Bengal BJP unit chief Dilip Ghosh, a saffron party leader wrote, "On the instructions of J.P. Nadda Ji, I wish to convey to you the party`s deep anguish and concern at issuance of such statements and advise you to always refrain from going to the media or any public forum, about your own colleagues either in the state of West Bengal or anywhere else."
BJP s national Vice President and former West Bengal unit chief Dilip Ghosh seems to be in no mood to honour his party high command s order barring him from making media statements against its leadership.Just a day after BJP s national General .
Deuba will be accompanied by a 50-member delegation when he embarks on his maiden visit to India on Friday to further strengthen the multifaceted, age-old and cordial ties between the two countries.
In the upcoming Manipur Assembly elections, the competition will be between disintegration and development and the people will have to choose to whom people they are going to give their votes, Nadda said.