Shaker council still interested in scooter rentals, but defers on immediate suburban deployment
Updated Mar 16, 2021;
Posted Mar 16, 2021
A pair of riders on Bird scooters one of at least five vendors in the City of Cleveland prepare to cross St. Clair Avenue near the Cuyahoga County Justice Center. The county wants each vendor to send at least 150 or their scooters out into the surrounding suburbs. (Robert Higgs/
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SHAKER HEIGHTS, Ohio At least for now, City Council will hold off on any immediate commitment to bringing scooter and electric bike rentals into town, pending further review of logistics and reception elsewhere in the inner-ring suburbs.
Shaker applies for tree canopy grant along Van Aken, Onaway; trail funding at Lower Lake Thomas Jewell,
SHAKER HEIGHTS, Ohio The city has applied for a Cuyahoga County Healthy Urban Tree Canopy grant to plant nearly 150 trees on Van Aken Boulevard along the Greater Cleveland RTA Blue Line median strip.
If approved in full, another 25 trees would be planted in the Onaway median from Van Aken to Keswick Road, for a total of 174 in all at a projected cost of $67,000, with a 10% local match ($6,700).
The goal of the program is to help lessen the impacts of climate change and tree canopy loss, Public Works Director Patti Speese and City Forester and Right-of-Way Coordinator Chuck Orlowski noted in a council memo.
Rising to the occasion: Van Aken District developers seek more skyline with proposed 17-story apartment complex Thomas Jewell,
SHAKER HEIGHTS, Ohio There may be much more in the way of transformational development going up in the Van Aken District as many as 17 stories worth of new market-rate apartments, according to preliminary plans.
That would be about 190 feet in height for the slightly taller of two buildings connected by bridges in a dual-tower design proposed for the Farnsleigh Road parking lot, just west of the Ohio Savings Bank branch.
The smaller structure would be 16 floors reaching 163 feet just about a foot lower than the historic 12-story Tower East office high-rise, currently the tallest building in Shaker Heights, which is situated on the opposite end of the Van Aken District.