The DecisionDx-Melanoma 31-gene expression profile test displayed the capability to stratify patients with cutaneous melanoma by risk of death from the disease and receival of the 31-GEP test may result in a survival benefit compared with untested patients.
Although patients with metastatic nonseminomatous germ-cell tumors who had teratoma in the primary tumor were found to have a higher rate of teratoma in residual non-retroperitoneal disease following chemotherapy, those without teratoma in the primary tumor could have teratoma or active testicular germ-cell tumors in residual disease post-chemotherapy and should be considered for resection.
Ribociclib plus switch endocrine therapy induced a statistically significant progression-free survival benefit compared with placebo plus switch endocrine therapy in patients with hormone receptor–positive, HER2-negative, metastatic breast cancer.