The cause of fatty liver or steatohepatitis is the recent westernisation of our diets which involves increased intake of fast food, lack of healthy fruits and vegetables on the plate, and an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle.
A review of the scientific literature related to withdrawal from antidepressants: mechanism of action; long-term effects of exposure to antidepressants; discontinuation syndromes; relapse upon discontinuation; tapering protocols.
Computers Help Cancer Patients Manage Symptoms by Pooja Shete on January 11, 2021 at 12:19 PM
In an unique UK trial, it was found that hundreds of cancer patients have benefitted from using computer algorithms to manage their symptoms and improve their wellbeing.
In the trial eRAPID, early stage colorectal, breast or gynecological cancer patients took part, which allowed them to report online symptoms from home and receive instant advice on whether to self-manage or seek medical attention.
The trial developed by the University of Leeds is published in the
Journal Of Clinical Oncology.
After 12 weeks,
9 percent patients reported better symptom control and physical wellbeing in the early weeks of treatment, with the system preventing symptom deterioration. The patients also reported more confidence in managing their health at the end of their four-month trial period.