Looking live from the exclusive Salesforce Tower camera looking is, the beautiful sparkling bay bridge. Good morning everyone. It is thursday, september 19. Good morning. It is 4 31. Lets get a check on the thursday forecast. It is already thursday, almost the weekend. Almost there to the end of the workweek. Happy thursday to you and dryer quieter weather today. Here is a beautiful live look with the Treasure Island camera with downtown San Francisco shining brightly with those buildings. Temperatures are cooler compared to yesterday at this time. We are looking at mainly in the 50s and upper 50s in concorde and oakland at 62. Midfifties in livermore and san jose, low 50s for santa rosa. As you go through the afternoon, we are looking at temperatures near seasonal. You can see for San Francisco, upper 60s and for oakland, 73, mid 70s and san jose and 81 in concorde. Temperatures running about 2 to 4 degrees below average for this time of year. We are going to warm up with details on t
The Bristol Bay Career and Technical Education Program is still developing a fisheries pathway but didn't want to miss the latest state board meeting to change regulations in the Bristol Bay's fisheries.