guess, or they re worried about getting caught, they depart the area, and the victim is standing there on the upper range. his face is bloody, he s leaning against the rail for support, and he s holding his head. he s been worked over pretty good. i don t regret it, one bit. did you beat him because he was a child molester or because of something else? 50/50. i mean honestly, if the guy wasn t a child molester, it probably would have just blowed over. but child molesters are the they re the crap on the bottom of my boot if i was out tending stalls. honestly, the guy s got 50 years, and i hope the rest of the time that he s incarcerated, he takes a whooping at least once a month. the incident resulted in a postponement of coffey s release. offender coffey received commissary loss, segregation time, which was suspended, and then loss of good time. how much time did you lose?
that s why i was sitting right there. it ain t even rocking. that s 0-3 right there. i m on a roll. coming up well, there was a child molester that got mouthy with one of my buddies, and it escalated quickly, and he took an ass whooping. an act of violence threatens joshua coffey s release from wabash. the victim gets up, and then they grab him, just shove him against that rail and begin kicking him and hitting him.
you can t really experience [ bleep ] until you living it. me personally? i really don t have no problem with anybody. i may believe in my own set of personal values, but i mean i m not going to i don t hate other people because of who or what they are. but there is one type of person that joshua coffey doesn t tolerate. and now one week away from his release, that intolerance will keep coffey in prison longer. right now we re watching a video of an assault that happened in p-house unit. right here you see offender anderson walking up the steps and offender coffey walking up behind him and they re preparing to go into a cell and assault someone. well, there was a child molester that got mouthy with one of my buddies and, honestly, it just kind of escalated quickly, and he took an ass-whooping.
kicking and kneeing and punching, and pretty brutally, at that. and then when they decide that the victim has had enough, i guess, or they re worried about getting caught, they depart the area, and the victim is standing there on the upper range. his face is bloody, he s leaning against the rail for support, and he s holding his head. he s been worked over pretty good. i don t regret it, one bit. did you beat him because he was a child molester or because of something else? 50/50. i mean honestly, if the guy wasn t a child molester, it probably would have just blowed over. but child molesters are the they re the crap on the bottom of my boot if i was out tending stalls. honestly, the guy s got 50 years, and i hope the rest of the time that he s incarcerated, he takes a whooping at least once a month. the incident resulted in a postponement of coffey s release. offender coffey received
in my neck of the woods, if you ve got a problem with a guy, you you you and mind you, nobody nobody calls the cops. you go outside. one of you get beat up. you go back into the bar, and the guy that won buys the beer. my name is joshua coffey, but everybody calls me country. why do they call you country? because i was raised in the sticks. i stole some copper from a local junkyard, and the proprietor of the junkyard owed me some money, and like an idiot, i stole from him instead of trying to go about it the correct way.