Gabe is the National News Editor and works out of Washington, D.C. Have a tip? Send it to
On the Ground With Gabe is a blog that “takes you behind the headlines, practices, techniques and ethics of all things journalism.”
Meltwater, one of the world’s leading media monitoring companies, revealed an often overlooked, inconvenient truth when it comes to the precious balance between public relations and journalism, especially now during the 21st century.
In a recent post titled “How to Pitch Your Press Release to Journalists,” Meltwater insists that “a press release is only as good as your pitch.”
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Leaders from the Finger Lakes region described the path forward during a call with media on Wednesday outlining vaccine response.
Dr. Mike Mendoza said during the call that counties in the region were taking the lead vaccinating people based on occupation while health systems focused on connecting with patients as they become eligible for it.
This week the state entered Phase 1B, which means that anyone over the age of 65 is eligible along with most frontline workers.
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The winter storm that coated the region with more than a foot of snow is gone. But now, as residents dig out – they’re faced with bitter cold temperatures on Sunday, and an active weather pattern this week. Check out the coverage below from this weekend’s winter weather, and share photos of the snow in your area in the comment section below.
Happy Saturday. Wow, a good day to stick by the fire. How s about everyone just stay indoors… Mike Pacini in Macedon got this view this morning.