e. u is having to pay the price literally to the tune of billions, yet another resounding policy success from the big brand brussels bureaucrats. our doughty contributor rachel martin. thank you. i thank you for joining us here for this program. lie from moscow. this is archie international. rachel evans, at the desk and half an hour s time. i do hope you can join us. ah ah ah, ah ah ah ah ah ah, reporting on and investigating the lawless u. s. military prison at guantanamo bay. cuba is an important endeavor. thanks to a number of whistleblowers. we know what has happened at guantanamo and we have a feel for the war crimes and crimes against humanity that have taken place there. but what the human rights community, and indeed the public in general, really need, is a historian to lay out all the details for future generations. and to make sure that revisionists don t try to change the truth of that history. i m john kerry. aku welcome to the whistle blowers ah we re all aware
they get as many as they feel like and just throw them straight into the grind stones of war. the story of this ukrainian soldier captured outside bill, a gar of car, is one of thousands. the grizzly camilla girl could go, no one explained anything for the order was not read out as it should have been. they just drove little. they brought us near bella. gore of got into gully where we unloaded them. they said to high between the trees and wait for the commandant. look when we got there, there was no supply, no food, no water, no normal amount. a family nation solution is when the shelling began. the losses and wounded began later nothing got better. and this obviously did not raise the morale if any one the situation is galling for ukraine s troops here and on other parts of the front. even president zalinski normally oblivious to cry, sees, has admitted to this. the resorts on us would you handle job off in the east? very painful. it is necessary to destroy the military powe
you do not watch my your shelf seriously. watch something that s so different. my little opinion that you won t get anywhere else. welcome it pleases you to have the state department, the cia weapons makers, multi $1000000000.00 corporations, to your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you do. don t watch my show stay main street, because i m probably gonna make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact, but again, you probably don t want to watch it because it might just changing the wayne thing . ah, imagine you re in the u. s. military and your job is to take care of waste, disposal. that sounds easy enough and your orders are to bulldoze everything into a giant pile, spray it with jet fuel and set it on fire. that sounds like a terrible idea. it ll pollute everything, and it will cause untold health problems. i m john kerry aku and you re watching the whistleblowers burn pitts have become a serious issue in u. s. military policy. the concept of burned pits
missy leah with a tim jeff, darker room. there s a crazy, that s a lot of the my subway, but just a, i need a price quote. was for that for a while. i m on the back or quick with global. i m saying years about how she took on a job, please about the enough room for you real quick to take a picture. well, go double play. you have to close with a. ah, imagine you re in the u. s. military and your job is to take care of waste, disposal. that sounds easy enough and your orders are to bulldoze everything into a giant pile, spray it with jet fuel and set it on fire. that sounds like a terrible idea. it ll pollute everything, and it will cause untold health problems. i m john kerry aku and you re watching the whistleblowers burn pits have become a serious issue in u. s. military policy. the concept of burned pits is relatively simple. the military needs a way to dispose of its waste, but that waste includes every thing, food scraps, plastics, rubber, medical, waste, chemicals, even
when alex so sing wrong when i just don t know if to see how it is be because of the advocate and engagement. it was the trail. when so many find themselves well to porn, we choose to look so common ground. china has performed a master stroke of diplomacy. it is brokered in agreement that we ll see a ran and saudi arabia again re establish diplomatic relations. this could be a step not only to reorder the middle east, but also usher in an air of stability in the region. today. washington is the odd man out ah, imagine you re in the u. s. military and your job is to take care of waste disposal . that sounds easy enough and your orders are to pull those everything into a giant pile, spray it with jet fuel and set it on fire. that sounds like a terrible idea. it ll pollute everything, and it will cause untold health problems. i m john kerry aku and you re watching the whistleblowers burn pits have become a serious issue in u. s. military policy. the concept of burned pits is rel