jenna: and man suspected of kidnapping a seven-year-old california girl says he did it. david allen douglas making the confession during a jailhouse interview. his accuser following a family home from walmart before taking the child at gunpoint from her mother. police found her later that day in his home. he said he never meant any harm. did you hurt that little girl? did not hurt her, no. can you understand why they were scared? have a son of my own. i can imagine, sure, absolutely. you have to appreciate how desperate i am. i m sorry. jenna: heels went on to say who is being watched by the government. on the one hand you might think obviously this guy is disturbed,
feeling in her frozen hands. her test results so far are good. doctors don t know yet if she will have long-term numbness or scars. being of course that she won t have permanent damage, it looks like from the bone scan the results are promising. but you know we ll have to wait and see how her fingers heal. since frostbite can cause numb bess it is easy to miss. medical experts including me urge those exposed to extreme cold to be on the lookout for changes in skin color or numbness in the hands, feet, nose, ears of yourself or others. if you notice any symptoms, get out of the cold immediately, use warm water on the frozen areas. jon, you have to see a doctor right away. jon: in her case she was locked out, couldn t get to a doctor. what a story. she was in dispute. her bones are okay. hands are okay. no amputations. jon: that is good news. dr. marc siegel. good to see you. jenna: desperate search for
obama ran his campaign in 2008 as sort of the adult in the room, the guy that would not make political decisions when it came to our, our military and fighting wars, and also he was very harshly critical of the previous administration for not listening to his commanders or at least accusing president bush of not listening to his commanders and accusing bush of not listening to those around him. these accusations coming now against president obama, the very same ones, that is pretty scary and suggest that is president obama has managed to get himself extremely isolated, especially when it comes to this, the decision surrounding afghanistan and iraq. jon: the interesting thing too, shira, is that generally bob gates has not been known as a particularly political figure in washington. that is part of the reason that president obama kept him on in a democratic administration after he had served under bush 43 in a
doesn t consider this war to be his, that is what has the white house sort of firing back. in fairness to president obama, he inherited this war, came up with a strategy to get the united states out of the war after first disengaging in iraq. there are certain contradictions. gates says the president did a politically unpopular and therefore difficult decision in ordering a surge of troops in afghanistan in order to try to build up the situation there so the u.s. could ultimately withdraw, but at the same time painting a portrait of this president not believing in his own policy, more americans to fight and risk their lives in afghanistan. that is not helpful to the administration, particularly now that it is on defensive on so many other issues. jon: cemetery gates goes after joe biden saying he was wrong i pretty much every major policy issue. that is a topic for another day. pushing back very strongly. thank you very much.
mentioned allegedly had said privately in front of secretary gates the reason she came out against the surge in iraq is the politics and the 2008 campaign made heavy charges in this book. jenna: and we will talk a lot more about it. thank you. jon: so that new book by ex-pentagon chief robert gates is setting off a firestorm and it is not even unofficially out yet. many are shocked gates would go a tell-all root since he is known as a discrete and dedicated public servant. could this new book damage his reputation? joining me now, fox news media analyst and anchor of media buzz that runs on sunday mornings on the fox news channel. this book probably could not have come at a worse time for the obama administration. they re trying to turn the corner on the launch of obamacare. this president job approval rating at its low point, even lower than many of his predecessors. now comes a book like this.