Live music is allowed to return to The Village’s indoor venues with relaxed coronavirus restrictions in San Diego County, but it might also be returning to the streets. The La Jolla Village Merchants Association is looking to match musicians with retailers that want them in front of their stores.
LJVMA previously brought musicians to The Village through its Enjoya La Jolla community outings, featuring entertainment, shopping deals and demos, refreshments, prizes, contests and more. Though Enjoya La Jolla is not back in its full capacity, LJVMA Executive Director Jodi Rudick said the outdoor musical element could return.
She said the board spent $1,500 to $2,000 a month on music for Enjoya La Jolla.
Village Merchants Association approves directional sign concept for La Jolla
Examples of FlashParking’s display options as outlined in the proposal it submitted to the La Jolla Coastal Access and Parking Board.
The La Jolla Coastal Access and Parking Board’s directional sign proposal went two for two this week in gaining conceptual approval from local groups as the La Jolla Village Merchants Association gave unanimous support to the project during its Feb. 10 meeting.
Two days earlier, the La Jolla Planned District Ordinance Committee said it also supports the concept, but asked to see the proposal again when formal designs are ready.