JoJo s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean has introduced viewers to a number of new heroic and enemy Stands throughout its first twelve episodes, also taking the chance to give the franchise its first female protagonist in Jolyne Cujoh. As fans wait to see when the series will return, David Production [.]
Netflix debuted the first twelve episodes of the latest season of JoJo s Bizarre Adventure, Stone Ocean, in December of last year, introducing viewers to the story of Jolyne Cujoh and her Stand known as Stone Free. Following this first batch of episodes hitting the streaming service, the sixth [.]
The story of the Stone Ocean introduced fans to the first female protagonist of JoJo s Bizarre Adventure, with Joylne Cujoh attempting to escape a maximum-security prison that is fit to bursting with Stands around every corner. With the anime adaptation recently hitting the streaming service of [.]
JoJo s Bizarre Adventure had a big year in 2021 not just with the arrival of the anime adaptation of Stone Ocean, but also with the release of several spin-off manga stories, which followed the likes of Jolyne Cujoh, Josuke Higashikata, and Hol Horse to name a few. Now, it seems as though 2022 is [.]
There have been plenty of crazy characters introduced over the decades of JoJo s Bizarre Adventure, but perhaps none stick out as much as the Stand user that also happens to be a tiny dog who is infatuated with coffee-flavored gun, Iggy. First hitting the scene in the story of Stardust Crusaders, [.]