JoJo s Bizarre Adventure and Attack On Titan are at very different points in their respective series, with the former recently introducing the heroine Jolyne Cujoh along with the story of the Stone Ocean and the latter set to release the final episodes of its anime series from Studio MAPPA. Now, [.]
JoJo s Bizarre Adventure has spent decades telling the story of the Joestars, first introducing the heroes of the series fighting vampire, eventually giving way to Stand Battles. With the series beginning in 1987, one fan has managed to find a copy of a first-edition printing of Phantom Blood, [.]
Dio Brando has not just earned his spot as one of the greatest villains of JoJo s Bizarre Adventure, but also one of the greatest villains in the history of anime. While the villainous vampire died during the events of Stardust Crusaders, his legacy has continued plaguing the Joestars and one fan [.]
The first twelve episodes of the Stone Ocean found their way to shore last year on Netflix, introducing us to a brand new Joestar in the long line of Stand Users within JoJo s Bizarre Adventure. With Jolyne attempting to clear her name while struggling to survive within a maximum-security prison, [.]
The Stone Ocean landed on Netflix in 2021, introducing anime fans to the story of Jolyne Cujoh, the daughter of the protagonist of Stardust Crusaders, but the sixth part of JoJo s Bizarre Adventure also took the opportunity to bring back Jotaro Kujo and Low Cost Cosplay has created a hilarious new [.]