Joint patrolling operations initiated by the forest departments of Tamil Nadu and Kerala in the Nilgiris to fortify security measures in the border regions of the Nilgiris forests. Approximately 50 members form the joint team conducting the patrolling exercise.
Berhampur: The forest personnel of Berhampur and Andhra Pradesh have launched a joint patrolling exercise in the border areas after a Royal Bengal Tig.
Having departed from Vladivostok, Russian and Chinese vessels have been performing tasks of the third joint maritime patrol of the Pacific Ocean. The group of battleships has been on duty in the South-Western part of the Bering Sea, training to search, escort and destroy mock enemy submarines.
Russian and Chinese ships have left Vladivostok and started perforrming the tasks of the third joint maritime patrol of the Pacific Ocean. The joint detachment of vessels formed in the Peter the Great Gulf and set off in accordance with the scheduled route.
India and Bangladesh have agreed to pursue the construction of developmental projects in respective border areas during a four-day Border Co-ordination Conferen