A new era gets away gets underway but off it goes on vacation yeah wanting to be on a spiderman deserves vacation dont you see the the avengers the last avengers movies i mean half the universe gets destroyed and gets rebuilt you know spidermans a big part of that whole thing the guy must be exhausted so i. Should choose to take some time out but this film spiderman far from home its quite interesting the sort of scheme of the whole marvel universe because essentially what marvels trying to do with this film its both it takes place right after the events of. Vendors and game so it continues that story but the same time its trying to. Put introduce us to the spider make character better yet put him in the center of the story so we saw the spiderman characters played by tom holland in this in this version in a couple of movies already he had another movie spiderman homecoming which theyve introduced the character with this with this film but i was trying to do these 2 things are trying t
Gets underway but off he goes on vacation yet wanting to be on a spiderman deserves vacation and youve seen the the avengers the last avengers movies i mean half the universe gets destroyed and gets rebuilt you know spidermans a big part of that whole thing the guy must be exhausted so i. Should choose to take some time out but this film spiderman far from home its quite interesting the sort of scheme of the whole marvel universe because essentially what marvels trying to do with this film its both it takes place right after the events of. Vendors and game so it continues that story but the same time its trying to. Put introduce us to the spiderman character better yet put him in the center of the story so we saw the spiderman characters played by tom holland in this in this version in a couple movies already he had another movie spiderman homecoming which sort introduce the character with this with this film but i was trying to do these 2 things are trying to sort of restart this new
Gets under way but off he goes on vacation yet wanting to be on a spiderman deserves vacation ive seen the the the avengers the last avengers movies i mean half the universe gets destroyed and gets rebuilt you know spidermans a big part of the whole thing the guy must be exhausted so i. Should choose to take some time out but this film spiderman far from home its quite interesting the sort of scheme of the whole marvel universe because essentially what marvels trying to do with this film its both it takes place right after the events of. Adventures and game so it continues that story but the same time its trying to. Put introduce us to the spiderman character better yet put him in the center of the story so we saw the spiderman characters played by tom holland in this in this version in a couple movies already he had another movie spiderman homecoming which that introduced the character with this with this film but i was trying to do these 2 things are trying to sort of restart this ne
if you played cricket americans, you would immediatel y. i used to be a pitcher. well, you would declare the ball right at your heased td and would go right in the strike zone. on a good day on a bench, you ve got over the backstop. an i actually hit kill me this morning on fox and friends. i the kid in to kill. he deserved it. don t worry about it. that s fin ie. all right, piers, great job. thank you, sir, and welcomey to hannity. hope we had a great fourt with you and your family. and tonight, shockinshockingg nt developments in the highly unusual federal problye into hunter biden that did more tore protect the biden family thanhan actually investigate any potential real crimes. and sh also tonight, sara carter. she will join us with more onfri today s san francisco s reparations panel,sc where one member accused straight white men of being serial killers. also, more racist attacks from the left against justice clarencel thomas. now, cassie dos santos, its. seems li
this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. come and take it, that is thenda focus of tonight s angle. he good news from the texas ag, gimp extant today thee do lone star state does not intend to bend to federal agents trying to enter e shall be parked in eagle pass. the agents use the parcy ik is d of a staging ground to process migrants and do other things, migrants crossing into the united states. but texas governor greg abbott released a statement on tuesday accusing biden of violating hisd constitutional duties to execute immigration laws. them today, this period speak of the authors of the constitution knew there would be times when the federal government would not live up to its duty and so they empowered states and the sectioe right to self-defense.. but what texas is asserting is article one transection of self defense because the president of the united states is nots fulfilling his duty to enforce the laws passed by congress thay tonight illegal entry in