An Iowa City police sexual assault detective makes victim priority and tries to get best resolution for them, even if an arrest isn’t possible. She wants victims to feel they have been heard and believed.
Parents of a 22-year-old Iowa City woman who was killed assert in a negligence lawsuit that two teens were "drag racing," lost control and collided with her vehicle.
Parents of an Iowa City woman are suing two teens for negligence because their “drag racing” on East Court Street caused them to crash into their daughter’s car, killing her.
An Iowa City man, who is accused of attacking, choking and robbing a woman on UI campus last year, remains a international fugitive after cutting off his ankle monitor last month and fleeing to Jordan.
Ali Younes, 19, charged with attempted murder, first-degree robbery and first-degree theft, used Jordanian travel documents and boarded a Royal Jordanian Airlines flight Saturday in Chicago.