Dorothy Fitzgerald “Patsy” Ross, a former owner of the Roland Park-based real estate firm where she worked for 78 years, died of congestive heart failure Sept. 23 at the Blakehurst Retirement Community. She was 93 and had lived at Devon Hill on West Lake Avenue.
Edward T. “Tom” Maxwell Jr., a retired criminal defense attorney who practiced for more than 50 years and a civil rights activist, died from heart failure July 16 at Gilchrist Center in Towson. He was 88 and lived in Homeland.
Edward T. “Tom” Maxwell Jr., a retired criminal defense attorney who practiced for more than 50 years and a civil rights activist, died from heart failure July 16 at Gilchrist Center in Towson. He was 88 and lived in Homeland.
Elizabeth M. “Liza” Frank, who had a long career as a mental health counselor and during World War II served as a staff member for the Office of Strategic Services in London and later Paris, died from complications of dementia June 30 at Roland Park Place.
Elizabeth M. “Liza” Frank, who had a long career as a mental health counselor and during World War II served as a staff member for the Office of Strategic Services in London and later Paris, died from complications of dementia June 30 at Roland Park Place.