of these xoangts of the nih national institute of health have a lot of money to give out, found lots of research with hundreds of millions of dollars if not approaching a billion. mark: who is director national institute of allergy and infectious diseases? that is dr. anthony fauci. mark: been there a long time by my calculation what is institute? that is leading center in china for studying coronaviruses. and it is in wuhan, and the chief scientist there is called jang lee xi expert on bat viruses. mark: she s been called bat lady. actually been collecting bats from caves from southern california where bats hang out for many years and she has enormous collection of them. mark: who is ralph s. barrick?
bear in mind that knee jerk reactor of authoritarian regime to suppress basically chinese did the sars epidemic a causation and what we see here is systemic and relentless coverup in all of the records of those concealed and databases and information and bat viruses have been closed down, and i think the trickle of information that chinese have let out has been mostly by the false or design to mislead and misdirect. mark: all right. we ll be right back.
highest possible infective ties on human cells. is this what she s known to do? she s not known just for that but known as a general expert on on coronaviruses. mark: i assume if you re making coronaviruses more lethal that there s some level of safety you need to have at these labs you said there are four degrees of safety. designated b sl-4 to bl most resign and designed for deadly pathogen and like ebola virus and we have a new bls and state of redness alarm state department inspectors who visited beijing much of her work aim to function coronavirus, you write, however, was not performed in the highest level of b sl-4 it wasn t at bsl3 it was bsl2. and you get the input from an
go through some of this so it is understandable to all of us. some of the institutions, some of the names and you can fill it in for us if you don t mind sir so let s begin with identify egg institution and actors. what exactly is the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases in washington, d.c.? well that s a bunch of the national institutes of health and it awards grants to scientists in the u.s. and abroad who study matters of interest to allergy and infectious diseases and in particular, it supports research into animal viruses that seem to have the potential of spilling over into humans and that includes bats viruses called coronavirussings. mark: it is a big bureaucracy is it heavily funded bureaucracy do you know? i don t know for sure but all
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