Pity poor Emmanuel Macron. It is the French president’s tragedy to be a supremely rational man in a supremely irrational world. This able leader, surely one of the best and the brightest of his generation, is ineffectually stuck yet again in the mire of his stalled domestic program. But this is not a specific French hiccup. Rather, it says far more about Europe’s signal
The Bush Administration must remain firm in its demand that allreforms be implemented before a single dollar of the new loan isreleased. Any deviation will undermine reform efforts that arecentral to making Turkey an economically strong and politicallystable ally.
President Bush, at the Summit of the Americas in Quebec, will havea unique opportunity to promote economic liberalization throughoutthe hemisphere by presenting the opportunity for countries thathave already liberalized their economies to sign a free tradeagreement with the United States, beginning with Chile.
Back in the 2000s, during the month-long book tour for our best-selling “The Godfather Doctrine,” my co-author and great friend Wess Mitchell came upon a hypothesis as to why our book had done so unexpectedly well. Since time began, Wess hypothesized, human beings have primarily learned about life through the telling of stories.