"We must not cut defense further." This quote is from the State of the Union Address President Clinton gave a little over a year ago. Yet on February 6, the President submitted his fiscal year 1996-2000 budget proposal, which indeed cuts defense further. His new proposal would reduce defense spending by 5.3 per- cent in FY 1996 and an additional 4.1 percent in FY 1997. In fact, the Clinton proposal for the entire five- year period would slash the defense budget by 0%an I over $140 billion (in budget authority) from the Average Military Pay Will Dechne Under the Clinton Budget Congressional Budget Office's January 1995 baseline, which is the standard against which $3%WD Merage Pq Per Sol6er (1995 Wan)- Congress votes to increase or decrease federal spending. The problem is actually worse than these 25.M budget figures suggest. The amount the Clinton Administration has budgeted for defense is not enough to fully fund the Administration's own defense program. In fact,