very bright spokesman for that philosophy. and the important thing, tina, about the eric erickson post this morning on red state is that he is now saying publicly what conservatives have been saying quietly over the past week or two. when they figured out that herman cain was going to end up like michele bachmann, like sarah palin, like donald trump, like rick perry, that there is going to be nobody coming in a white hat to save the conservative movement. absolutely. there was such as gene was saying a visceral dislike of romney. he is seen as a kind of craven opportunist so that and when you consider how many times he s flip flopped on abortion and the flip flops are endless so there is a lack of respect across the board. but also i think that even the people who sort of say they re going to be with him, they do it with such sort of holding their nose. this is going to be dukakis. this is going to be john kerry
he is at 44%, which most incumbent presidents this far along would be very nervous about and yet he is pounding every republican candidate, which, again, just confirms how weak this field is. exactly. he s beating them badly. given our economic climate it s remarkable, a poll that shows 75% of us think the country is going the wrong way, still believes that he should be president next time around. the question is, the conservative republicans, do they stay home assuming romney is the nominee or do they vote for a lot of them stay home. you think they stay home, john? yeah. my view is just that i think conservative republicans hate barack obama so much they will vote for pretty much anyone. that may prove not to be true but i just think that the animus they feel for the president is so great they ll hold their nose for romney. isn t that the $64,000 question? will the conservative republicans come out and vote or not assuming romney is the candidate. maybe it depends o
minds, that john this morning brought this you said it was the most incredible post you ve read from eric erickson. yes. i read eric erickson every morning. and eric does speak for true blue conservative he does and in a very articulate and passionate way. whenever you think about his views, he is a very good representative of a certain part of the republican party. this is a demolition job on mitt romney that basically says, he says he s been sitting, reading 200 pages of opo from the campaign on romney and you come to the conclusion that mitt romney is a man without any core convictions, will say anything to win, totally despicable. he trashes romney on every level and then says he will lose to barack obama. he will destroy conservativism in the process. wow. and then says it is so bad, and he is predicting romney will get the nomination and these things will happen. he says it is so bad i am now reconsidering my previous out of