minds, that john this morning brought this -- you said it was the most incredible post you've read from eric erickson. >> yes. i read eric erickson every morning. >> and eric does speak for true blue conservative -- >> he does and in a very articulate and passionate way. whenever you think about his views, he is a very good representative of a certain part of the republican party. this is a demolition job on mitt romney that basically says, he says he's been sitting, reading 200 pages of opo from the campaign on romney and you come to the conclusion that mitt romney is a man without any core convictions, will say anything to win, totally despicable. he trashes romney on every level and then says he will lose to barack obama. he will destroy conservativism in the process. >> wow. >> and then says it is so bad, and he is predicting romney will get the nomination and these things will happen. he says it is so bad i am now reconsidering my previous out of