The John Eliot Chapter Colonial Dames 17th Century, Simon Bradford Chapter U.S. Daughters of 1812, and Arkansas Society Daughters of Indian Wars participated in the coat shower again for veterans in need.
The John Eliot Chapter Colonial Dames 17th Century, Simon Bradford Chapter U.S. Daughters of 1812, and Arkansas Society Daughters of Indian Wars participated in the coat shower again for veterans in need.
In a response to the need that veterans have for certain items, the Simon Bradford Chapter United States Daughters of 1812 (USD 1812), the John Eliot Chapter Colonial Dames 17th Century (CD17C) and the Arkansas Society Daughters of Colonial Wars once again joined forces and held a "Towel Shower."
The Pine Bluff Triad Meeting held a pillow shower for veterans, and members dropped off pillows in Pine Bluff and Little Rock at Sissy's Log Cabin, which agreed to be a drop-off location, according to a news release.