legislation in three words. the white house responded by saying, it s the law, complete with the president s signature on the bill. eric cantor fired back with we must repeal. and you can forget about taking me out to the ball game. the irs has put the kibosh against the scheduled softball game with john cornen. the team, called the cheatahs, promised to reschedule. and for the weekend forecast, bill is here. it was funny when they came up with it back in the after this week? let me show you the one iconic picture from the granbury, tornado, i m taking away. this is a slab of house. there was a good-sized house there reduced to the foundation. that s why this got an ef-4 tornado rating. 166-200-mile-an-hour winds. it was on the ground for about
understood the president s own weakness has invited a lot of this problem. the republican party is a collectivity, it doesn t have a single decision maker. the white house has unity. his weakness has empowered the most radical people in the republican party, people like john cornen. he has to worry about primary challenges. every time the president has retreated in the way he has, he s proven john cornen s challenger right, so every time that you ask john cornyn, this is the best deal, this deal i m offering you today, this is the best deal, there isn t a secret special price behind this special price, this is my best deal, you have to wonder what would my primary challenger discover if there was a better deal, what happens to me then? i kind of agree with that. what do you think? i agree with part of that actually.
shocking. that said, it needs to be understood the president s own weakness has invited a lot of this problem. the republican party is a collecttivity, it doesn t have a single decision maker. the white house has unity. his weakness has empowered the most radical people in the republican party, people like john cornen. he has to worry about primary challenges. every time the president has retreated in the way he has, he s proven john cornyn s challenger right, so every time that you ask john cornyn, this is the best deal, this deal i m offering you today, this is the best deal, there isn t a secret special price behind this special price, this is my best deal, you have to wonder what would my primary challenger discover if there was a better deal, what happens to me then? i kind of agree with that. what do you think? i agree with part of that
heard congressman barton, somebody you have known and served with for years when you heard what he said yesterday. obviously, it caught me by surprise. at the same time, really, our focus at that point was on the ceo that we had in front of us who had been responsible for the activities on a rig that killed 11 americans. so, i got to say my focus was more on the business at hand. do you think congressman barton should resign? no, no. you know, any one of us are capable of making a statement that we really wish we could have back afterwards. this may be one of the times for joe barton. but it s, no. i would not recommend that. there are some people, there aren t a lot of them, but there are some people who are saying that there is a grain of truth of what he had to say. i m thinking about senator john cornen who suggested that this was an indication that the white house is using arm twisting
kentucky advocating breaking up those banks today on the floor of the senate. officially no republicans, however, have put on the white hats but there are murmurs not only from senator bunting on the floor but senator shelby, john cornen and others that look at this as a critical issue. senator brown admits that right now he lacks votes to advance the crucial amendment but says they are getting closer. where will your politician be on breaking up the banks? check it out. then senator lincoln s derivative reform plan. the fdic chairwoman urging banks to separate from swap speculating. it could drive risk into dark unregulated markets which is funny if you think about the risk that currently exists in dark, unregulated markets. derivatives are really being