environmental disasters the history of the nation. the deep water horizon rig was drilling 40 miles off the coast of louisiana when the explosion engulfed the rig in flame. the fire burned for 36 hours before the rig finally sank. over the course of the next 87 days, millions upon millions of barrels of crude oil spilled into the gulf. it s the biggest offshore spill the country has ever known. bp s then-ceo put his not in his mouth morn once. not even a month into the disaster tony heyward told the reporters the amount of oil spilled was, quote, tiny, compared to the size of the gulf. he also disputed scientists claims there were large plumes of oil beneath the surface and made just about everybody angry when he said famous lirked like my life back. so did countless other people who needed help. the oil stained more than a thousand miles of coastline from place to place.
tests on the deadly accident but destroyed the findings. the company which pay a $230,000 fine and make a $55 million donation to the national fish and wildlife foundation. wonder if that s tax deductible? 11 people died on the explosion on the deep water horizon rig. at juror in the second degree murder trial of george zimmerman spoke out thursday. the only minority on the six person jury that found zimmerman not guilty. she had some harsh words in an interview with abc news. george zimmerman got away with murder but you can t get away from god. at the end of the day, he s going to have a lot of questions and answers he has to deal with. the law couldn t prove it. joining me now from miami is nbc correspondent mark potter who s filed the zimmerman trial closely. it seems like she didn t want to let george zimmerman go free but
pleaded guilty to a number of criminal charges including manslaughter. but now that billions of dollars is on the line in a civil trial, bp s lawyers seem to be gearing up for a fight. casey stiegel is covering the trial. what else have we heard today? reporter: a man neighborhood robert dee has been on the and has been dubbed the master of disaster, because he has investigated and studied a number of incidents like the levees her in new orleans following hush katrina, the shuttle doctors, he worked oregon the ex-on valdez oil spill and has served as consultant in the past to bp himself testimony today has been powerful. he said the oil giant did have a safety management program but there was just one problem. he says it was not implemented on the deep water horizon rig.
folks, particularly when it comes to confidence, it was down in january because folks took a hit with that payroll tax cut expiring and social security taxes. i wonder, the banks have these strict guidelines now. much stricter than before because of the huge banking debacle. so i wonder are they lending money to folks who want to buy a home. that s going to be an issue. that always helps spur things on. the bank loosens its grip on the green. and the federal reserve expected to release a statement that could have an impact on the markets in terms of their latest economic outlook. so stay tuned for that. oil giant bp and the justice department have agreed to a record settlement in connection with the 2010 gulf oil disaster. in addition to paying $4 billion in penalties, the company agreed to plead guilty to manslaughter for the deaths of 11 workers on the deep water horizon rig. bp could pay billions more in environmental damage. another financial headline for you. there could b
psychologically for a lot of folks, particularly when it comes to confidence, it was down in january because folks took a hit with that payroll tax cut expiring and social security taxes. i wonder, the banks have these strict guidelines now. much stricter than before because of the huge banking debacle. so i wonder are they lending money to folks who want to buy a home. that s going to be an issue. that always helps spur things on. the bank loosens its grip on the green. and the federal reserve expected to release a statement that could have an impact on the markets in terms of their latest economic outlook. so stay tuned for that. oil giant bp and the justice department have agreed to a record settlement in connection with the 2010 gulf oil disaster. in addition to paying $4 billion in penalties, the company agreed to plead guilty to manslaughter for the deaths of 11 workers on the deep water horizon rig. bp could pay billions more in environmental damage. another financial he