outside it. do you want to see what that looks like? you have an interesting view actually about jobless benefits. i want to show people what you had to say and what is now a celebrated interview about jobless benefits. listen to this. you can make more money on unemployment than you can going down and getting one of those jobs that is an honest job but it doesn t pay as much, and so that s what s happened to us is that we have put in such entitlement into our government that we really have spoiled our citizenry and said, you don t want the jobs that are available. so you re saying to these tens of thousands sitting on their couches, they re all spoiled, they don t want to go out and get a job and i m going to cut off your benefits. that s your attitude no, now, come on, john. but you said they re spoiled. i said it had spoiled our citizenry. that s a little different. that s almost like it hadn t occurred to sharron angle until that moment that trashing the unemployed
politics is the republican party. we knew it was going to happen. post bush, post cheney, post mccain. how will the republican party reinvent itself? after bad election losses handing democrats majorities so large they re probably almost inherently unsustainable, how will the republican party take advantage of the pendulum swinging back in their direction? how will they re-establish themselves with voters as the party that should be entrusted to govern? this has been the greatest show on earth. i mean sarah palin quit as alaska governor to cash in and become a full time celebrity. she spoke for money today at a bowling convention. i m not kidding. john mccain abandoned almost all his long held notable policy positions because of a primary challenge from a talk show host who is famous for being implicated in the jack abramoff scandal. the john burke society came back into the fold. the bird society sponsored seapac this year.
best political strategy. that would explain why the best she could do rebuttal wise when she stayed i didn t mean the unemployed were spoiled. get a load of her take on the separation of church and state. what about separation of church and state. that s in the constitution. the founding fathers believed in that and you know what? back in 1995 when you were on the nye county school board you came to the legislature testifying a school choice bill and here is what the minutes say you said. the bill is exclusionary of many private religions schools and ms angle believed that to be an un-american concept in the tenet of separation of chrch and state is an unconstitutional doctrine. the separation of church and state arises out of the constitution. no, it doesn t, john. the founding fathers didn t believe in the separation of church and state, the establishment clause, first amendment? actually thomas jefferson has been misquoted like i have been misquoted out of context.
year, or at least in american politics is the republican party. we knew it was going to happen. post bush, post cheney, post mccain. how will the republican party reinvent itself? after bad election losses handing democrats majorities so large they re probably almost inherently unsustainable, how will the republican party take advantage of the pendulum swinging back in their direction? how will they re-estabilsh themselves with voters as the party that should be entrusted to govern? this has been the greatest show on earth. i mean sarah palin quit as alaska governor to cash in and become a full time celebrity. she spoke for money today at a bowling convention. i m not kidding. john mccain abandoned almost all his long held notable policy positions because of a primary challenge from a talk show host who is famous for being implicated in the jack abramoff scandal. the john burke society came back into the fold. the jo bird society sponsored
the great depression isn t the best political strategy. that would explain why the best she could do rebuttal wise when she stayed i didn t mean the unemployed were spoiled. get a load of her take on the separation of church and state. what about separation of church and state. that s in the constitution. the founding fathers believed in that and you know what? back in 1995 when you were on the nye county school board you came to the legislature testifying a school choice bill and here is what the minutes say you said. the bill is exclusionary of many private religions schools and ms angle believed that to be an un-american concept in the tenet of separation of chrch and state is an unconstitutional doctrine. the separation of church and state arises out of the constitution. no, it doesn t, john. the founding fathers didn t believe in the separation of church and state, the establishment clause, first amendment? actually thomas jefferson has been misquoted like i have been misq