to a court that no longer holds these values in the same sort of sense that prior courts have? and i fear, michelle, that the next is brown. it s being able to they also have a case about whether or not, you know, religious schools can get federal funding. this is their big thing. they were angry schools couldn t get federal funding. everything is on the table. affirmative action. i feel like the courts are trying to remake the society into their version, their handmade s tale fantasy of af right wing disattorney-client privilege yeah. well, look, i think they think the warren court is where things started going wrong. yes. the john burke society. the forefathers of today s republican party. you know, they used to have these impeach earle warren billboards. essentially what the modern right s project for all of these years, you know, going on, what is it, 60 years has been to
bipartisanship. we nominate a guy who says there is no red america, there is no blue america. our guy in 1988 who says this election is not about ideology. but in these four books i ve written, i m writing about the surrender of a party to almost au authoritarianism. the fact is we re at a point now, which basically the things that would get a republican there was something called the john burke society. you guys will all remember that. and they said eisenhower is a communist conspiracy. back in the early 60s, you had to disavow the john burke society in order to be taken seriously in the party. now people are saying things like that. the idea that ukraine sabotaged the election. the congress is a pretty good barometer. if the american people were dead set against president trump,
self-perptuate. but when you start insulting institutions like that, it does fit the narrative. insulting the fbi, calling it a deep state, insulting the democracy, delegitimizing the media. at some point this starts to feel like so many dudictatorial regimes. these are not the kind of people that have been welcome in our party in the past. they re the type of people that used to belong to the john burke society or other far-right organizations that dream up their different conspiracy theories, the ku klux klan and the rest, and now they call themselves alt-right and hang around breitbart news. this is not the way we ought to be running this country, has
these people from the party. his movement, things he believes in. he should say i don t want you. i don t want your votes at all. he needs to have a president clinton, a bill clinton sister soldier moment. he s not had that. if you go back to the early 60s with the conservative movement was first gaining steam, barry goldwater and bill buckley made a strategic decision to completely ex-communicate the john burke society because they thought they were nuts and they were conspiracy theorists and that they would tarnish the conservative movement in the country. they ve got together. you ve not heard of the john burke society since. what president trump has to do is tell these people they have no place. these are domestic terrorists, don. we re not talking about removing statues. they were walking around the
constitutional solutions. it s funny, the internet was supposed to make us smarter but it just served as a seal for knowledge to get in. the perfect example of that is he keeps citing these on-line non-polls. it s like, we won all the polls. he said this week that isis was not only going to take over their part of the world but take over america. you know, back in the day, if you were in the john burke society, you had to go door to door with pamphlets and talk to people, whatever. now they re right in a chat room. you can spew your nonsense and there s lots of people who that s what they want to hear and they want to believe, so they do.