on capitol hill, where twoddle middle aged men from california are literall y throwing a temper tantrum. you got eric swalwell and adamrm schiff schif to congenital liar, likely still quivering with rage after learning thatafe their relationship and their membership to the all powerfulte house intelligence committee is no more . house speakellr kevin mccarthy remove them from this committee and for good reason, according w to reports. el congressman swalwell. well, remember, he was once a py a patsy for the chinese government after getting seduced by a woman named fang fang. you can t even make this up in a a novel. an undercover agent for the communist party of china. unfortunately, this was not wasn a one night stand, apparently a full blown relationship. in fact,own the two lovebirds right there together for quitelo some tim fe. ese by e and the chinesven e spy even hec eric raise money for his reelectionise mone. e li adam, the congenital liar.ar, sh schiff well, meanwhil
department. they say they re stillrmin tryit to determine whether or not i need those bank recordthoss o. not. i mean, yo u mentioned whatd happened in ukraine with purisma. if there was any quid pro quo pertaining to the united states and ukraine, it was with joeithe biden on that deal . and we didn t. we impeach donald trump overer a non quid pro quo.d pr all donald trump said be responsible with taxpayerare money if we reto going to help you out. no, be corrupt like the peoplede before you. and now it turns out, by the out way, zelenskyy had to fireto top aides because they misused appropriate money, appropriated money that we gave them. w right. and donald trump was right to ask the ukrainian president whether or not there was corruption being involved with respect to foreign aid for united states. i hope every president would do that. i hope every presidewith this fh i don t like foreign aid going anywhere. but if it s going to hammer the president, i think you better make dar