In Joe Scruggs’s music Everymom evicts under-the-bed monsters, Everykid remembers on Monday morning the fifteen things he needs for school that day, and Everybody delights in Scruggs’s corny but sensitive portrayal of childhood.
24th. 3 3 &p3 maps-fiber 3 maps-fiber the epicenter of the earthquake was in mineral, virg. virginia.that s 40 miles northeast of richmond. it was a magnitude of oint-8. point-8.shortly after the ábigá quake.. mineral experienced aftershocks.take a look at this can see our photographer s camera peing stiil.. then all of a sudden. you see the shaking. experts say aftershocks can be expected in the coming weeks. look at this ideo captured. inside a convenience store in can see the shaking ssart.. and thee employee run for cover.shelves toppled over.. and the store s &pentire stock of beer and wine smashed on the floor.we went down to mineral. to talk with the people who got the worst of it.. about what they felt. it was like one of those fun house things house and it started to he shake.. cabinets.. glasses .. walls .. my mom s urn the chimney s broke wall is broke but mostly we lost personal thi. things. thankfully.. there are no reported injuries this